
Route 2 Elsewhere

Closed Captioned
Run Time 89 Minutes

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Meet The Author

Route 2 Elsewhere takes the viewer on a visual journey of an area of America most people have never visited nor understand.

It is a documentary film about rural America through the lens of a 1,500 mile stretch of US Highway 2, from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan through the Sweet Grass Hills of northern Montana – a part of America that provides the food and fuel those living in cities take for granted.

There is a growing uptick in the divide between those living in the country and those who live in cities. Route 2 Elsewhere tells the story of the unique challenges facing rural Americans and how small communities come together to stay relevant in an ever-changing world.

To shoot this amazing documentary, filmmaker Dirk Wierenga traveled along US-2 for a year, during four distinct seasons, capturing the thoughts, joys, and challenges of those living along the northern border of the contiguous United States


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